The Best Catering Trends This Year

Date Posted: 19/06/2019 1:35:00 AM
Posted By: Laissez-faire Catering


Catering has changed dramatically within even the last few years, as tastes have changed. The catering industry evolves quickly, as it's always on the cusp of new social trends. If you need some inspiration for an upcoming event, it can be worth it to look at some of the newest developments in catering. Here are a few of the most popular ones.

Healthier, Ethical, and Sustainable Menus

People today are making healthier choices,  and that's reflected in the food they want to eat. New catering trends include designing "smart menus" which discuss how the food is sourced, as well as providing healthier options (and sometimes even substitutions). This is a catering trend that is growing, as many people now prefer more ethical, sustainable food. As a bonus, sourcing food locally means it's fresher and tastier.

Instagrammable, Presentation-First Food

People eat with their eyes. A recent catering trend is to produce food that is imminently postable: food that photographs well and tastes great. One trend emerging from this is "tablescape" presentation: considering the entirety of the table as a singular work of art. When food is posted on Instagram, it can be a boon for the caterer as well as the business. 

Breakfast and Brunch Any Time of Day

There are few things as universally popular as breakfast and brunch. From waffles to bacon, there's something for everyone: and it feels like a treat. Even if your event isn't in the morning, consider a brunch catering menu. Brunch is simple to prepare, and there are some great ways to put a creative spin on it, such as with flavour combos for desserts.

Microbreweries and Independent Wineries

Don't forget the drinks! Libations are quickly becoming an important part of the corporate event, and microbreweries and independent wineries are at the top of the list. Local beer and wine is not only affordable, but also unique and interesting. Often, there are products that attendees may not even know are available. Many independent wineries operate sustainably and organically, and there are microbreweries that craft small batches that you can secure for your event. 

Creating a few creative, high-end cocktails is an excellent way to make an event memorable, as well as to complement the meal. Consider making all of your ingredients and your drinks local.

Comfortable, Delicious, and Casual Foods

Sometimes you want to go the opposite of decadent and sophisticated, and instead load up on comfort food. Ribs, mac-and-cheese, burgers, and more: these are foods that everyone likes. For a more casual event, comfort foods can give everyone a chance to enjoy something that they already love, rather than having to be more explorative with their palette.

Not everyone wants to be challenged with every meal. If you're catering an event that's supposed to be cosy, consider going with some mainstays and favourites. 

Grab-and-Go Corporate Catering


For companies, grab-and-go catering is becoming popular. Often, catering is a reward for a business: but it's the food that people are really interested in. They want to be able to grab food and then leave, rather than being forced to socialize. This is especially true if there's a lot of business to be done, such as an event that occurs during a busy time.

Grab-and-go catering features small plates and handheld foods, and it's one of the best ways to cater an event that occurs in-office. It can also be good for events in which people are expected to mill about, such as art galleries where people will be wandering around. 

Food Truck Catering

Rather than acquiring individual catering, many larger events are now hiring food trucks. In fact, many catering companies are running their own food trucks for exactly this reason. Food truck catering is waning a little, as it does necessitate contracts with multiple vendors, and often it's priced at a little higher than traditional catering. However, there are few things as convenient for sizeable events. 

These are only a few of the top catering trends this year. In general, the catering industry is moving towards tailoring catering towards the event and the attendees. Rather than having a "one size fits all" catering solution, caterers are now finding the food and presentation that really resonates with their clients. To get started on your catered event, contact the experts at Laissez-faire.