Event Inception 2016 Showcase - Laissez-faire at Studio No. 2
Event Inception 2016 took place on the 9th and 10th of August this year. It was once again a fantastic experience for the Laissez-faire team to show off our strengths in catering.
Laissez-faire was honoured to cater for Studio No.2 at the Commune Waterloo venue - styled as Moody Hues. Event Inception is organised by Decorative Events & Exhibitions (DE&E).
Check out some more information and images of our setup and delicious food here!
Here's what DE&E said about Studio No.2, Moody Hues:
Step back to old world elegance, true opulence with a contemporary twist. Moody Hues starts with a matte monochrome base, with gold gilded chandeliers building additional layers of richness with many personalities.
Experience deep inky blues and slate greys, crystal, burnished copper and brass tones which are carefully paired with large scale florals adorned across tabletops of indigo linen. Lighting is measured and subtle, guiding you to search for the hidden treasures across this collection.
Stunning food that leaves a lasting impression is what Laissez-faire is all about. Creating a bespoke menus written by the Director of everything food, George Sinclair, is what we do best, engaging with our clients to offer a tailored menu providing the freshest ingredients and flavour from paddock to plate.
Click on the image below to watch DE&E's exclusive experiential showcase presenting the forefront of events from Sydney's most premium suppliers:
Event Inception 2016 Show Reel from Decorative Events on Vimeo.
Laissez-faire can't wait until next year's Event Inception!