Towards the middle of the year, employees can start feeling a little fatigued. If it's all just work, work, work, their attention will start to drift, and they may not be as attentive or productive as they could be. Having a celebratory party can give employees something to look forward to, show them they're recognised, and encourage them to work harder. "Christmas in July" is a fun and festive theme that everyone can enjoy.
Why Plan for Christmas in July?
Christmas in July is a creative, quirky excuse for a celebration that comes with an easy, preset theme. Rather than having to plan everything out of whole cloth, you can simply take a page from any holiday party book. Christmas in July is also something that everyone understands and that everyone can get excited for!
Just like any party, you're going to have to get together the decor, food, and activities. Think about some of your prior year Christmas celebrations for some easy ideas.
Pictured: Harbour 220
Choosing the Right Venue
Though holding a celebration in your office is convenient, it really just surrounds you with your work. Choosing an off-site venue gives your employees the opportunity to experience something new and truly relax outside of the day-to-day operations.
Ideally, you want a venue somewhat close to your business; you don't want to make employees commute too far. Luckily, it's often fairly cheap to book a corporate venue in off months -- far cheaper than during actual holidays.
Pictured: La Porte Space
Get the Decor Just Right
A Christmas in July party is more fun the more "all out" it is. From fake snow to mistletoe, go wild with the decoration. At the start, you can create a "Christmas planning" party that's filled with volunteers. The more the employees want to participate, the better a job they'll do.
Don't forget that Christmas means different things to different people. If you want your holiday celebration to go over without a hitch, encourage employees to add to the decor and to pitch in their own ideas. In the spirit of inclusivity, you can ask them what the holidays mean to each of them.
And don't forget the fun holiday themes. There are many "tropical party" Christmas themes and "futuristic" Christmas themes, which you may have discounted for your actual holiday parties but can be acceptable for a Christmas in July.
Pictured: The Venue
It can be difficult to find Christmas decorations during the off season. Look at wholesale outlets and online stores for deals -- or ask for donations of old decorations from employees. If Christmas in July becomes a regular thing, you can reuse decorations from year to year. Some tinsel and bright lights, and you'll be set for at least two holidays every year.
Spring for Some Festive Catering
Food is what makes Christmas truly feel like Christmas. From eggnog to peppermint bark, there are appetizers, drinks and desserts that people crave throughout the year. During the holiday season, these foods are often made by family members and friends, contributing to the loving atmosphere of Christmas. At your party, they can all be provided through catering.
See our Canapes Menu
Though pot lucks are fun, they also often come with additional work for employees. Employees may stress over their dishes -- and the dishes themselves could represent liability concerns, due to unsafe food handling and allergies. Overall, corporate catering services are usually the safest and most convenient option.
Consider building your menu around your employees, by asking them questions such as the following:
- What are your favorite holiday foods?
- Are there any foods that you're allergic too?
- What drinks make you think of the holidays?
These questions will help you personalise your Christmas in July party for your employees, increasing their enjoyment. Many employees go to corporate events primarily for the food, and it's food that they're going to be thinking about later on.
See our Shared Menu
Use the Time to Encourage Your Staff
Set aside some time during your Christmas in July party to give awards and gifts to your staff members. Recognition matters. Give gifts based on longevity and merit and employees will be more likely to work hard for the rest of the year.
Holding some raffles throughout the event is also a good way to encourage employees to stay and enjoy the party throughout, as it adds to the festivities. For a Christmas in July event, you want to stagger events throughout, so employees constantly have something going on.
Pictured: Endeavour Pavilion at ANMM
Some team-building activities can include building a gingerbread house together or playing some casual party games. This helps employees get to know each other in a professional environment, encouraging them to work better together and learn about each other's idiosyncracies.
As long as you have everything planned out, Christmas in July can be a great opportunity to both reward and motivate your employees. With activities, catering, and awards, you can turn it into a mid-year productivity boosting event.
Want to get started?
We can help you with everything from the menu to the venue. Just ask us how!