Every company occasionally hosts corporate events. But are you hosting corporate events because you feel obligated to, or because you really recognise their value? If you're only doing obligatory events, you may not be really taking advantage of the benefits of corporate events.
Events are great opportunities for companies to leave a lasting impression on their audiences and build both internal and external relationships. Here are some reasons why throwing a corporate event could be the best thing you do in 2020.
Build Your Brand Identity
Inviting key industry figures and target audiences to attend events in a physical space makes your brand seem more real, rather than theoretical or exclusively digital. More and more, businesses are spending their time online. And this can make them feel a little less than "real."
If you want to build your brand identity, a corporate event gives you one-on-one time with the most important principles within your industry. Spice it up with some great decor and catering for corporate events, and you'll be able to impress.
Get Face Time With Your Audience
A corporate event provides a real platform for face-to-face communications, rather than just email or Skype. Face time with your customers and even your employees can bring to light opportunities that you might otherwise miss.
Don't commit all your interactions with social media or chat bots; that's a surefire way to miss improvements that you could make in your relationships. While digital automation can improve a lot of early stage interactions, late term interactions and lead commitments really need a personal touch.
Advertise Your Digital Content
Physical advertising can be used to bolster your digital content and digital marketing initiatives. Ideally, you should be augmenting both your marketing types through collaboration. You can use content generated from your event for your digital content, and you can market your digital initiatives during your physical event.
Building Real Relationships
As you start to nurture relationships with vendors, clients, and employees, face-to-face time becomes even more important. Consider the value of networking enabled by a physical activity, such as team-oriented events, award shows, and more.
When more people hear about your business, they will be more likely to come and visit your business. And that means that they're going to be ready and willing to engage. Impress them with some great Sydney corporate catering and thoughtful decor, and they'll be even more ready to commit.
Hosting Giveaways and Offering Merchandise
Giveaways, offering merchandise, and other physical event activities are great in two ways. One, they give your potential customers a gift. This engenders a feeling of reciprocation: They will be more willing to do things for you in the future. Two, they give people physical and lasting proof of the purpose of your company. They will look at the items that they won or were offered, and will remember your business and what it stands for.
Educating About Your Products and Services
There are some products and services that are difficult to express in terms of text-based or image-based content. Rather than trying to launch a product on a website, launch a product in real life. It's an easier way to depict what your product or service can really do, while also being able to pitch and sell directly to an audience face-to-face.
Any content generated from a physical product launch can also be used online, which further improves your company's reach.
Rewarding Customers, Vendors, and Employees
Use your corporate events to reward those close to your company with a massive celebration. The more appreciated people feel, the more invested they become in the success of your business. This brings to the company additional goodwill, which can be instrumental for companies that are looking to grow.
There are many event types for corporations: product launches, award ceremonies, news releases, networking events, conferences, seminars, gala dinners, and more. But above all, the major advantage to hosting events is that you're able to get face-to-face content with the people who are instrumental to your company's success.
While we do live in an increasingly digital world, there's still something to be said for personal contact. It's how you can properly gauge the temperature of the room, how you can determine how successful your marketing is, and how you can directly influence those who are most important.
Ready to start planning your next corporate event? Contact us today on (02) 9209 4810 or make an enquiry online.